Aug 19Liked by See Level by Shemsi Frezel

I was just watching a piece today on CBS Sunday morning in which Carrie Mae Weems was feature in a story about Mickalene Thomas talks about how she was headed to law school until she saw Weems Kicthen table which inspired her to be an artist. Later in the segment Thomas receives the James Baldwin award presented to her by Weems. Both you and Weems have done it again another great See Level read.

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Yessss it was such a good segment, I'm glad Naana called me to watch it and Aumra also sent me a link to it, the power of sisters! I enjoyed hearing from Mickalene and learning that her work looks the way it does more out of necessity than style.

And it was very touching to see her get the Gordon Parks (not Baldwin lol) award from Carrie Mae Weems, that must have been a life highlight for Micaklene. Thank you for your comment, support, and engagement!

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Aug 19Liked by See Level by Shemsi Frezel

This (read) was just what I needed to wind-down on a Sunday night :). Agree with the poster below - I love how everything connected. And now I feel like I need to purchase something from BV totally out of my means cause that video near had me in tears!!

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The video is sooooo sweet! RZA and Riot are adorable and Rocky really seems to be relishing fatherhood. LOL at their subtle marketing working on you. Thanks Alena!

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Aug 18Liked by See Level by Shemsi Frezel


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Aug 18Liked by See Level by Shemsi Frezel

Wow, feeling honored to make a See Level cameo. I love the way you so seamlessly connect your personal experiences with larger cultural conversations and observations. No one is out here doing it like you. Or Miss Carrie Mae, for that matter!

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Thank you for keeping me in the loop on the cultural going ons, you stay plugged in!

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It occurs to me that there’s something of an accepted unification code, a thread connecting this music (as “derivative” seems too puny of coinage to apply to such a pervasive phenomenon). If accepted metric is determined by the position of the clock when the first breath is drawn once outside the womb then it must occur to some to consider what came before. Fortunately there’re enlightened ones who’re informed by innate intelligence, who’re able to make multi dimensional connections accessible to even linear awareness.

Photographic memory may seem like a misnomer until one realizes inherent shortcomings in the term “mass communication”. Fortunately, as it were, Carrie Mae Weems’ offering presents the profound privilege of extending communication beyond linear concepts into multi dimensional relationships. Disposable diapers aside there’s something profoundly essential about “being” when life reaches out and touches your heart.

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